Sam Minella (Cook)

Sam Minella (Cook)

Thrown out of the kitchen of every eatery in our home port of Exmouth, Sam transferred his cooking 'skills' to the Malarkey, the cue for the crew to resort to a diet composed entirely of ships biscuits and rum.

Billy Rowlocks (Oarsman)

When 'tis time to lower a boat, Billy is always first-foot forward, ready to row us furiously to safety or danger alike (usually the latter) while recounting at frightening volume tales of salty sharks and dead horses!

Billy Rowlocks (Oarsman)
Cameron Nails (Carpenter)

Cameron Nails (Carpenter)

Built like a sturdy English oak, Cameron is virtually indistinguishable from his usual surroundings in the broad waist of the ship.

Albert Truss (Oarsman)

With the strength of two men and the thirst of ten, Albert has been known to pull three oars in a single passage. That was a night to remember...
Albert Truss (Oarsman)
Marlon Spike

Marlon Spike

The newest recruit to our ships crew, Marlon is expert in tying us all up in knots, hence his moniker. If only he could tie real ropes too!

Dai Wright (Ship's Surgeon)

Doc's acuity is like the blade of his osteotome and ensures that malingering is a thing of the past. The crew are hoping never to find out why he has been described as 'a cut above the rest'.
Dai Wright (Ship's Surgeon)
Alfredo Heights (Tops'l Hand)

Alfredo Heights (Tops'l Hand)

Of Spanish extraction (and English insertion) this Spaniard with the lanyard experiences dizzy spells, hot flushes and shortness of breath the moment he sets foot on the rigging. Such simple pleasures should not be taken for granted on a long voyage...

Eamon Fyre (Gunner)

Cross eyed and ham-handed as the ship's armourer and weapons instructor is, it is nothing short of a wonder that both he and those in his vicinity still have possession of all their own limbs and appendages.
Eamon Fyre (Gunner)
Wayne (The Anchorman)

Wayne (The Anchorman)

The Seven Seas, The Bounding Maine, The Twisted Bollard, The Pair of Rowlocks, The Rusty Bucket, The Comely Wench...there is not a single ale house in the world that this old sea dog hasn't frequented.

Mal Demaer (Swabbie)

Hauled backwards out of the bushes while in a stupor, Mal has found the perfect role for himself in taking on general duties and becoming a scrubber of some note for whom the passage of time has little meaning.
Mal Demaer (Swabbie)
Canon Fodder (Chaplain)

Canon Fodder (Chaplain)

Either a shanghied clergyman as he claims, or an unfrocked cleric run away to sea, Bish's prayers for fair winds may be gloriously ineffective but tween-decks he successfully turns copious quantities of wine into water.

Helen Highwater (Heartbreaker)

The handles she's pulled; the flagons she's filled ... and emptied. Helen appears often, stealing the limelight and representing all those wives and girlfriends who were left at home.
Helen Highwater (Heartbreaker)

We cherish our fond and lasting memories of those with whom we have navigated past voyages and who have chosen to sail other waters or have left us for Heaven's Bar or Fiddlers' Green.

And we acknowledge with gratitude the support of our fantastic "Ladies Who Launch", who help us in so many ways.